Monday, November 22, 2010

DVD Review: Bob Harper's Pure Burn Super Strength

call me crazy, but Pure Burn, Super Strength workout dvd from The Biggest Loser's "nice" trainer, Bob Harper, really wasn't (and still isn't) as hard as the trailer led me to think. i've done this workout several times, and i haven't ever found myself pouring sweat the way the cast does and when i've done Jillian's strength dvd, No More Trouble Zones.

sorry Bob.

this is not to say that this isn't a great workout-- it is. the circuits are solid, and my muscles were challenged, but my heart rate never went above 60% and i just happen to think the cast overdramatized the "hard" parts. seriously, the moaning and "crying" were a bit much. as i made my way through the various well-cued set of exercises, i just kept wishing the vibe was different.

if you're a beginner or have some moderate experience with weight training, you will definitely be challenged. if you're a die-hard, experienced exerciser, you may find this workout to be boring. increaing weight helps, but it's not as dynamic as it could have been.

Pure Burn Super Strength comes with 2 workouts: 20 minues and 60 minutes. visit for more info.

i purchased this dvd

Thursday, November 18, 2010

fit girl meal: Protein Pancakes

the words protein and pancakes don't exactly sound appealing, but if you tasted these, you would change your tune!

i've always known how to make these breakfast goodies, but it wasn't until i saw this vid of Karina and Katrina (from Tone It Up), that i actually started making them-- they're so simple and are beyond delish!



1/2 banana, mashed
1/4 c. egg whites (or 2 egg whites)
1 scoop Vanilla Muscle Milk Protein Powder
1 tsp. cinnamon

fit girl tip: you can add blueberries and top with your favorite fruit (as you may have gathered i like strawberries), and if you don't like, or have, cottage cheese, you can omit it.


pancake pic taken by me :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

welcome to fit girl musings!

hi! if you're here, most likely it's because you read my other blog, beauty girl musings (at least i hope so!). i've started this blog as an extension of BGM's body beautiful series of posts. Fit Girl Musings will be my way of sharing more of my love of fitness and living a healthy lifestyle.

so, what can you expect to read here? i'll be sharing my workouts, including my running experiences (i'm currently training to run a half-marathon). you can also look forward to learning healthy (but always yummy) recipes, fitness fashion and trends, celeb fitness, exercise DVD reviews, and anything else in the health/nutrition/fitness world i find to be interesting. updates (for now) will come 1-2 times a week.

thanks for reading-- hope you'll enjoy! stay tuned...
